After spending literally hundreds of hours researching various high-performance building systems and classifications, we have come to the conclusion that following the guidelines of a Pretty Good House is an excellent baseline target for sensible design and construction.
These principles strike an excellent compromise between just barely meeting building code requirements for construction quality and energy efficiency and the super stringent requirements for meeting Passivhaus or LEED Gold certification. They enable you to build a high-performance house with relatively simple construction methods and well-tested systems in a way that blends affordability with energy efficiency and a reduced carbon footprint.
The core principles of a Pretty Good House include:
Modestly sized (around 1500sf for two people, 1875sf for a family of four)
Relatively simple designs that are easy to insulate and minimize materials
A well-insulated envelope that exceeds code requirements for your climate zone
Use of air-source heat pumps for heating and cooling
Incorporate solar or be PV-ready
We’re particularly interested in working with clients and builders who share our interest in this very pragmatic approach to building an environmentally thoughtful home. To learn more or discuss your project, please don’t hesitate to contact us.